At Jump Stat Plus, we provide a positive and fun atmosphere for young ladies to pursue their personal excellence on a gymnastics team. Coaches Rachel Kocher, Ky Shaw, and Carrie Shaw utilize the USA Gymnastics Code of Points to facilitate and provide a foundation through whihc they develop each athlete's mental and physical ability to conquer adn acheive their personal goals!
Jump Start Plus' CIGA Gymnastics Team utilizes both the XCEL Development and USAG Development programs to provide the best opportunity for your athlete's personal abilities and gymnastics goals. Our school age gymnastics developemnt team watches out for talented and motivated young atheletes in our Preschool and School Age Gymnastics classes. We then push them into our Shooting Stars and Rising Stars programs to develop them into our future competitive teams.
Gymnastics Team Requirements:
~Athletes must be a minimum of four years of age.
~Expected to train 4-15 hours each week.
~If coming from Preschool Program, must have reached a check list of skills provided by Preschool Program Director, Rachel Kocher.
~If coming from School Age Program, must have achieved Yellow level skills and/or have taken an Xcelerated class.